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Eloi Rebes, 23-07-2015 09:22

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You can download data.pak from here and skip to the next section. (there's no guarantee that the data will be up-to-date, however)
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First, you need to download the following input data:
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* CNML export of the "World" zone, at the "Zones and Nodes" level:
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* GML export of the "World" zone, of the links:
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    As of v0.2.0, you can dump individual zones other than World, allowing you to quickly see your zone's changes with a partial KML. Just make sure the CNML and the GML are of the same zone!
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Now you can parse those two files into an efficient MSGPack archive:
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# Replace `nodes.cnml` and `links.gml` with the files you downloaded
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$ ./ nodes.cnml links.gml > data.pak
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Now you can remove the original XML files, they are no longer needed.
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To produce the final KML, just do:
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# Adjust `data.pak` if you have downloaded it somewhere else.
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$ ./ data.pak > guifi.kml
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The output will be stored in guifi.kml. Just open it in Google Earth.
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Tip: you may want to keep or distribute data.pak to experiment with your own KMLs. Keep reading.
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Want to customize your KML a bit? No worries, it's simple and straightforward.
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The model folder contains the files which are used to produce the KML. It can be intimidating at first, and you should learn the basics of KML and Jade to do more things. There are four templates:
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* root.jade: It produces the "root" folder, the one which gets added when you open the KML. You normally don't want to modify this.
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* zone.jade: It produces every zone folder and sorts his contents (to put supernodes first, and other nodes later). You normally don't want to modify this.
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* node.jade: It produces every node placemark. It styles that placemark (icon, color, description) according to the node's properties.
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* links.jade: It produces a folder, and puts lines representing links inside of that folder.
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Take the appropiate one depending on what you want to customize, open it in the editor and play with it. There are some annotations to guide you (lines that start with // or //-).
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Once you have made some modifications, just call again. And if you made a nice change, I encourage you to contribute it so everyone can have it too. :)
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The two-step process is done to keep the processing operation fast, so you can hack on the template and see your changes quickly. It also makes it easier for others to build their own KML; just give them the data.pak which is a lot smaller than its respective XML files.